THE CHINESE don, 1924); O. Siren, Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth to the Four- teenth Century (4 vols., London, 1925); R. Petrucci, Chinese Painters (New York, 1921); R. L. Hobson, The Art of the Chinese Potter from the Han Dynasty to the End of the Ming (London, 1923); Osvald Siren, Histoire des Arts Anciens de la Chine (4 vols., Paris, 1929- 1930). On literature, see A. Wylie, Notes on Chinese Literature (Shanghai, 1902); H. A. Giles, A History of Chinese Literature (New York, 1901); C. H. Brewltt-Taylor, San Kuo, or the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (2 vols., Shanghai, 1925); and A. E. Zucker, The Chinese Theater (London, 1925). On the possible transfer of the art of printing from China to Europe, see T. F. Carter, The Invention oj Printing in China and Its Spread Westward (revised edition, New York, 1931).